Purpose and Functions

学术政策及课程委员会的宗旨是建立 保持学院的高学术水平,并确保这一点 课程满足大学社区的新需求,符合认证标准, 遵守美国地质调查局的政策和程序. Its functions are to recommend policies and procedures as necessary and proper to accomplish its purposes; study and enumerate 就学院的学术目标,向教员提出有关事项的建议 academic policy; and recommend approval of courses and transfer pathways pursuant to its policies and procedures.


    • 主席,负责学术和学生事务的副校长
    • Each Dean
    • 每个学院各选一名教员,由每个学院提名并选举产生 by the faculty of that school
    • 学生会会长

Academic Policy/Proposal Routing Form (PDF)

Meeting Agendas, Proposals and Minutes