Adopted by President’s Cabinet 5/16/22; Revised 1/5/24


十大正规网赌平台 (EGSC) provides “electronic mail” (email) accounts for all current faculty, staff, and students.

These email accounts are viewed as academic and business communication tools. 这 policy extends the EGSC Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) to the use of email. 在提供 并维护其电子通信基础设施,EGSC符合相关规定 federal, state, and local laws.

EGSC将尽合理的努力维护诚信和有效的运作 它的电子邮件系统,但建议用户,这些系统不应该以任何方式 被认为是一种安全的媒介,用于交流敏感或机密的信息. 由于电子邮件的性质和技术,学院不能保证 个人用户使用学院的电子邮件资源的隐私和保密性 可以由此创建、传输、接收或存储的未加密消息.


此策略的目的是定义电子邮件和电子邮件帐户的正确使用 有关EGSC网络. Refer to the Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) for more information about proper computer and network usage at EGSC.


本政策适用于EGSC使用的所有电子邮件系统、EGSC部门电子邮件帐户、 and all individuals issued EGSC email accounts. All users of EGSC email technology 必须遵守本政策的规定及所列的所有条款和条件 在此. The use of EGSC email, like the use of any other 大学-provided technology 资源,是受法律和道德的正常要求以内的行为 the 大学 community as well as all applicable policies and procedures.


提供电子邮件帐户的目的,是为了方便本署的业务 大学. Email is an official means of communications at EGSC. 因此,学院 是否会通过电子邮件向教职员工和学生发送沟通信息 those communications will be received and read in a timely fashion.

除非特殊情况,否则电子邮件被认为是一种不安全的传输敏感数据的方式 采取预防措施. Sensitive data should not be transmitted through electronic 即使是向其他授权用户发送消息,除非采用加密等安全措施, 有工作.

Email messages are not private. All messages composed, sent, or received on the EGSC 电子邮件系统是EGSC和佐治亚大学系统的财产. They are not the private property of any user. They may be subject to disclosure as the result of an Open Records Request. EGSC has the right to inspect, copy, store, 并随时披露存储或传输的电子邮件信息的内容 当学院认为其设施不适当时,予以防止或纠正 使用、履行法律义务或确保电子邮件设施的正常运行.


  1. 通过EGSC电子邮件帐户发送未经请求的电子邮件,包括发送 “垃圾邮件”或其他广告材料的个人没有特别 request such material (email spam) is prohibited.
  2. 任何形式的骚扰,通过电子邮件帐户,电脑系统,电话, paging device or any other form of electronic communication device is prohibited.
  3. Unauthorized use, or forging, of email header information is not allowed.
  4. 征求任何其他电子邮件地址,除了海报的电子邮件地址 account, with the intent to harass or to collect replies is not permitted.
  5. Creating or forwarding "chain letters," "Ponzi" or other "pyramid" schemes of any 不允许使用类型.
  6. 向大量的Usenet发布相同或类似的与业务无关的消息 newsgroups (newsgroup spam) is not allowed.
  7. 使用电子邮件(或任何其他形式)征求资金,支持的目的 或参与不相关的产品、团体、组织或事业 对EGSC.
  8. Users of the EGSC email system must use their EGSC email accounts only in support of academic pursuits and/or 大学 business.
  9. EGSC电子邮件系统的用户怀疑自己的电子邮件帐户被访问 或被未经授权的一方使用,应联系学院的信息技术 Department as soon as possible.
  10. Because official EGSC communication to students & employees is sent via their EGSC 电子邮件帐户,因为学院不能保证外部/第三方的功能 电子邮件系统(i).e.,雅虎邮件,Gmail等.), EGSC students and employees are not 允许在其EGSC邮箱地址上启用/配置向外部/第三方转发邮件 电子邮件系统.
  11. 任何需要使用EGSC电子邮件列表服务的人都必须获得副总裁的许可 for 信息技术 department before doing so.
  12. Report any violations of these policies to abuseFREEOMNIUPDATE or by contacting the EGSC 信息技术 Department.

Active Time Period for EGSC Email Accounts and Disclaimers


  1. 新的学生电子邮件帐户是在没有学生要求的情况下创建的 time they are accepted for admission 对EGSC and before orientation/registration.
  2. 重新录取学生的电子邮件帐户将在完全接受后重新创建/重新激活 为重新接纳.
  3. 学生电子邮件帐户名称是系统生成的,只能更改 正式更名. The student must first request an official name change 在注册办公室. Once the name change has been processed, the Information 技术部将创建新的email和GA View D2L账户并转账 any existing “inbox” email messages to the new email account. 一个“前进”将是暂时的 他把学生的旧电子邮件帐户放在两个星期,以便任何电子邮件去 the old email account will go to the new email account.


    这将是学生的责任转移任何电子邮件消息从他们的 sent or other personal folders, including filters and other webmail settings. 它是 还建议学生通知他们的导师和其他个人谁 routinely send them email of their new email account information.
  4. Student email passwords are derived from information known by the student. 不 share your password with anyone. Students who believe their password has been compromised may request a password change by contacting EGSC 信息技术 via phone at 478-289-2004 or via email at csworkFREEOMNIUPDATE using their EGSC email account.  Students may also go to the EGSC 信息技术 在斯温斯伯勒和斯泰茨伯勒的服务台,并提供适当的照片证明 to an EGSC 信息技术 staff member.
  5. 学生只可以使用电子邮件帐户进行学术工作和交流 to and from official 大学 units. All important email correspondence from EGSC is sent only to students’ EGSC email accounts. 这 correspondence includes account balance 通知,期中成绩,退学通知,注册通知和密码 并提供考试报名信息、书店函电和学生行为函电.  它是 the responsibility of the student to ensure their EGSC email Inbox has the available space to receive official EGSC correspondence. 它是 recommended that students 获得其他免费电子邮件帐户(Hotmail, Yahoo, Gmail)用于电子邮件的目的 communication not related 对EGSC.
  6. 学生的电子邮件帐户将被关闭,所有学生的电子邮件信息将被删除 连续两个学期没有在十大正规网赌平台上课的学生.

教师 & 员工电邮帐户:

  1. EGSC教职员工的电子邮件帐户由学院的信息技术部门创建 Department once the IT Department receives an employee “Network Request Form.“ form is completed and submitted by the 大学’s Human Resources Department.  
  2. EGSC员工应该只使用他们的EGSC电子邮件帐户用于EGSC工作 电子邮件沟通.
  3. 除退休的名誉教授外,电邮服务只在下列时间提供 用户受雇于十大正规网赌平台,并且一旦用户的雇佣关系终止 他们的电子邮件帐户已被锁定,员工不能再访问他们的电子邮件 邮箱. If an employee desires to utilize a third-party email system (i.e.Hotmail, 雅虎,Gmail等等.,) after their employment ends, it is the responsibility of the employee to activate /setup a third-party email account.

任何使用EGSC电子邮件帐户违反所列规定的人 in this policy is subject to disciplinary action. Please refer to the "Enforcement" 部分 十大正规网赌平台 Acceptable Use Policy for additional information regarding this issue.